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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dont ever misjudge someone dat u realli didnt noe well in the first place....the outcome of if might be drastic than you can ever think off....its juz plain insane dat judging the person whom u juz kinda re-contacted back in ur life.....real plain insane......somehow or rather it will come back to haunt u in a more unconventional way....communicating to the person is a way of showing respect and concern but some people juz wont understand the thru meaning behind it....its not a form of mugging or disturbing as u haf nothing to do...but out of your busy schedule....u take a lil bit of the time to juz ask for the well being of the other party....but then again....people might tink its a disturbance and worse....annoying.......its understood dat in this busy lifestyle.....every minute of every day counts......and so.......the best conclusion to it is dat its the thought dat counts....fluke????....well......hope this will end sooner than expected.....

PS: Getting the momentum of it.........

Saturday, November 24, 2007
dilemma hp.........



Motorola E680 ---- $200

O2 Mini ---- $250

Sony Ericsson M600i ---- $260

Normal Handphones

Nokia N70 ---- $250

Nokia 6233 ---- $210

Nokia 6300 ---- $280

My handphone sell-off price ( Sony Ericsson W850i ) ---- $230

So....wad phone should i get....??? Any suggesstions from anyone is welcomed...........btw the prices stated above are based on second-hand price........haiz.......dilemma arises again.......:-)

PS: Nie smua black nye pasal ah.........

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dikir barat..............second look.......

A Song by Durba Dua

Ya Mujahidin tulus kan benihlah kasihnya
impikanlah cinta atas resah dunia ketiga
Ya suara panglima bersaudara mekarkan merahkan tanah
tumpahnya darah.....

Juz love the way they express this dikir song....talking bout third world country....well i try to get the verse which has a lot more meaning in it...but to no avail.....aniwae...the chorus itself has a lot of meaning in it.....it expresses the pain and hardship of third world country which is in chaos and to an uncertain future ahead of it.....sometimes people complain of living in more establish countries but if they heard the cries and feel the pains of the people who are living the frightened life day in and day out.....then they should be more greatful of their life now......

Listening to dikir songs....well most of it has a lot of meaning to it....like the ones written by Kelana Purba and family....Makyong Kedek......Andika.....this 3 big guns' songwriters to me are the best in the dikir industry.....although its hard to understand when u first listen to it but as u listen over and over again.....u can feel the meaning behind every word....i agree dat almost all of it is written using higher malay words especially Kelana's song....but the essence behind it dat matters....if one were to listen to Andika's lyrics...they are talking mostly about everyday life of the malay communities in most of their lyrics.....behind their lyrics are hidden messages or 'nasihat' to help the malay communities be better......and yeah....Andika like to 'kutuk' the malays but it is to make the malays realise their wrongdoings and to return back to the right path...well....congrats to Djohan Abd Rahman aka Bobo for all ur effort in making the malay community better......

Well....i'm not promoting dikir barat or helping the groups listed above gain more popularity....but i'm merely expressing my thoughts dat wad people said dat dikir barat is so melayu.....but wads wrong?? kental...??? cmon man....its a culture...and as a malay why should we forget our heritage and culture.....although dikir barat originally come from thailand....then to kelantan.....but in singapore it has been flowing since the 70's.......yes i agree dat almost all the members are malays but we are not bad people dat is a sore to the eyes....we are helping dikir barat to stay as the culture dat will be love in the future by many people......eventhough its been a while since i last sat on the platform....but the beat of the rebana will alweiz stay beating in ma heart......as long as my heart beats.........

"Biar tewas di gelanggang....Usah tewas tika berjuang" - Rajawali -

PS: Haf a second look at dikir barat although first impression counts......

Sunday, November 18, 2007
basiran's wedding............

Well.......all in order today....for us (Rajawalians) at Basiran's wedding (our leader).......hmm....started off on fri nite when we place all our stuff (baju performance and the gendangs and rebanas and kompangs etc....) at his place after dikir trening.......stayed till the wee hours till ard sat morning with mat sluadalam....black....hindra....bobby.....and zamani.......luckily got the first train on sat morning to werk.......then come today.....thought lowly of ourself but we manage to pull thru everything......although its kinda hot and i mean scorching hot under the sun but all was in place for his big day.......met few old frens down there like wan the bulldog....edi matrip.....hindra bibir.......labib bhai.......fahrur ampai.....azhar pinky and azhar rex......hahaha.....been ages since i saw them and all of them were ex-rajawali members except for azhar rex who is ma former schoolmate from SP........although all were shag in the end but we truly enjoy the whole thing dat we did especially for him......well......a leader needs to get the best of everything and furthermore he is the king of the day.......all smiles from him and dat made us feel much more appreciated and relieved dat all the preparation didnt come to nothing........well......enuff said and do enjoy the pics dat i managed to get on his big day............adios..........:-)

The lepak-king part with boi pipit....(ma nephew)

Basiran's Wedding

Rajawali.....part of the family.........

The car........

The pelamin.......

Sidek biol.....Azhar pinky....Fahrur ampai......Edi bear....
The aftermath of the wedding..........to town..........


Muker ader senyum............

Kau nampak tu bus dah sampai....(acir and me)

Tu lahhh......!!!!!!!

Sempat amik sebelum bus sampai......

Lepak bawah blk tahan ngantuk........

PS: Selamat Pengantin Baru to Basiran and Marlia........:-)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Well......got the clearance from ma officer dat i wanted and now looking forward to this sunday......been a while since ma last dikir performance....and hope to gif the best for his big day....take things one at a time though as not to cock-up the whole thingy.......we'll see the outcome on sunday and before dat training as usual tomorrow......:-)

PS: Cant wait for sunday....................

Monday, November 12, 2007

Weird....juz weird......the drive and feelings over it have simmer down....still looking for the answer to the most eventful part of me this year....though people sometimes tend to forgive and forget....but it doesnt goes well with me dat way though....yes people labelled me before as someone who is rock-headed....dat i agree to a certain extent....always getting wad i want is like a routine....but maybe now after the event dat really shook me sometime ago......i began to wonder dat not all dat i crave for in life will be given my way.....sometimes this small lil bit of things made me realise that God is really fair to all.....oppurtunities sometime do come in a various ways....but if u miss one great oppurtunity....then maybe the next great oppurtunity wont come along anytime soon.....maybe days....months or who noes years......yeah years......and u noe wad i am talking about......although the flames are getting smaller but i am beginning to feel the heat again.......its warming up to a certain level dat only u can tone it down....why must it be this time.....and furthermore this way......other people might tink dat i am far more concern bout myself.....but surely u noe the answer best.....wad i mean is dat u took away the space in me before and left without a reason and now ure back....back again in ma life.....which i am really thankful though shock to see the reality of it......i am feeling like in a maze walking without a way out coz of wad u said the other day......and dats why i said dat only u haf the answer to the theory dat u set 6 years back.......nope....i dun blame u for wad had happened but i only want the solution to it..............the heat is burning as the days goes by and only u can simmer it down coz u are the one who spark it before........

PS: I need the explanation.......

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Kinda shock to see $600 extra on ma bank.......wad i noe is my pay was ard $470......so where does the $110 excess came from......after further 'investigation'......found out dat it was our back pay.......due to the late promotion of our ranks.....hmmm......well.......sometimes i wonder wad do i do with the money.....well.......spent on wardrobe......and really spend......maybe i need a wardrobe change coz i am getting sick and tired of wearing the same thing over and over again.....hehe.....but.......without the old stuff.....there wont be the new ones......hmm.....felt reali happie dat got some new stuff............next shopping spree for me.....well....maybe come dec when everywhere in the island will be having year-end sale cum christmas sale.....damn i really look forward to it coz dats the best bargain in town.......:-)

Nasi Ayam Penyet

This Nasi Ayam Penyet was from master Chay.......he came down in the wee hours on fri to airport juz to gave us this......haha.....well.....i dun mind staying up juz for this.....actually before dat....we plan to drive to terminal and drew some cash (gaji masuk per) and maybe get some stuffs at macdonalds........but as we are about to change.....a call from master saying he is coming.....and giving us food......hmmm......if only everynight was like this........

A treat from the force commander......

Here are some of the stuff i got today......just some.......:-)

Billing Corner:

1 Recoil v-neck tees: $19.90

1 Quiksilver trucker cap: $25.00

2 Topman v-neck tees: $29.00

1 fourskin tees: $15.90

2 Spade tees: $61.90

Grand Total: $151.70 (3 hours of shopping)

Well.........wad do u tink.......? I tink its ok coz to me i rather spend it this way rather than come end of it......dunno where to money goes to.....hehehe...........wadever it is......lets wait for the best bargain cum december.............adios.......:-)
PS: Shop till u drop.....but dont drop while u shop............or u are at the losing end........

Thursday, November 8, 2007
apologize by timbaland.....

Apologize -- Timbaland ( feat OneRepublic )

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me

Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...

That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothing new - yeah
I loved you with the a fire red

Now it's turning blue, and you say...
I'm sorry like an angel
heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late whoaa ohhh...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I'm holding on your rope, got me ten feet...
Off the ground...

PS: This song is cool......enjoy........:-)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
rebooting in progress and done.........

The computer gave me a headache today as if for the past few days i wasn't struck by problems.....switch on ma pc and when it try to start......it suddenly fails and restart....the process of it starting and restarting without even goin into the windows really annoy me....wad to do.....since the pc wants it this way...i haf to obey it and was made to lose all ma files in the comp.....haiz......all the pics....songs....and lots more.....but luckily most of the pics were kept in ma hp...and songs too.....except those old time pics and songs which are still in the comp......so.....i haf a 'new' pc today.....and yeah......gonna look after it properly......and not store or download unnessary stuffs.......or it may harm ur pc........warning to all....:-)

PS: Happie holidays..............

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Releasing stressness is every individual thinking everyday......in one way or another stressness can eventually makes a person kind of get irritated easily even by asking to do a favour.....reason is dat one doesn't wish to be disturb......letting those problems out of the mind is a good way of releasing the tensioness in the heart.....though its difficult to let everything out.....one must remember dat if it is kept inside.....as days goes by...it can accumulate to a higher level dat eventually explode and things will go haywire....and when things end up dat way....we are on the losing side coz when things are small and can be controlled easily.....one chose not to control it and the outcome is madness........

I may not be good in saying those things above but juz wanna share some thought and opinions dat is currently lingering in ma mind at the moment....hopefully those who tend to listen to those words above and relieve all the tensionness in urself....may haf a better day ahead.....there are a lot of colours in life and one of them is stress/tension.....and if we can keep the colour of stress/tension in its path and not crossing other colours in life......the beauty of life is wad we will see in the future......

PS: A moment of madness is all it takes to make things erupt........

Saturday, November 3, 2007
local song..........

Pertama kali ku lihat wajahmu
wajahmu sering bermain di mataku
suaramu selalu terdengar memanggil namaku
ternyata kita sedang bercinta
pasti suatu hari kitakan berpisah
cintaku hanya untukmu saja tiada orang ketiga
kau lafazkan kata cinta kepada diriku ini
diriku terima dan terluka sebab kau sudah berpunya
tiap malam kuimbas kembali
kenangan kau dan aku
sepi terasa didalam hati bila engkau pergi
ohh...lupakan diriku ini
ohh...lupakan hajatku ini
hajatku hanya ingin bersamamu untuk selamanya
ohh...lupakan diriku ini
ohh...lupakan percintaanku ini
kuanggap ini satu permainan cinta.....

Well...this is a song....an underground song dat has a lot of meaning in it......didnt meant it to anyone though....juz had this feeling dat we should support local underground songs...a good example is like the song by Khairil Md Yusoff called Nadia.....well.....the original song wasnt named Nadia....wad i noe is dat it is made by someone inside....inside where??hmm...."budak dalam" lah......!!!.......enjoy the lyrics and if it touches you.....well...the guy who created it hopefully will become a successful composer in years to come.....

PS: Hidup ini suatu cabaran dan ikatan itu suatu permainan.........




07 june 1984 @ 0200 hrs
1.75m 65kg
Javanese By Nature
Customer Service Executive
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San Shan Primary
Guangyang Secondary
Jamiyah Business Sch
Sports Team Taekwondo
Singapore Polytechnic
Q-Tech Engineering
V-One Multimedia
Ntuc Income Bras Basah
BMTC Sch 1 Jaguar Coy
Maju Camp
2PDF Clementi Camp
Transport Hub West



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